4. The deepest pool
“Y-40”, the so-called deepest pool in the world, was built by Emanuele Boaretto and is located in Italy. This name is symbolic: the letter “Y” is the designation of the coordinate axis, and “40” is the maximum depth of the pool. For fans of deep diving, there are special ledges and caves at intermediate depths.

5. The coolest cave pool
Contrary to our beliefs, caves are not always dark, damp, and cold. In one of the natural volcanic caves on the Greek island of Santorini, there is a pool that gets a lot of sunlight during the day. Add the soothing white walls of the cave to that, and you’ll get yourself a super relaxing effect.

6. The most futuristic pool

Soaking in the pool is nice not only when it’s hot outside. In the thermal baths of the Austrian hotel Aqua Dome, you can swim outdoors all year round, even when it’s snowing. The water temperature here is a steady 34-36 °C. As an added bunus, the futuristic shape of these pools resembles alien spaceships.

7. The infinite pool
The Rangali Island Hotel infinity pool in the Maldives starts at the shore of the island and seems to be endless, going far beyond the horizon, so smoothly it merges with the Indian Ocean. While swimming in it, you’ll have the feeling as if you are swimming in the ocean but without aby fish around.