She has been violent on set before.
Jennifer has actually owned up to getting a bit outrageous on set before. She admitted to Elle in 2011, “I threw a chair at a director. It wasn’t my proudest moment,” she said. Unlike many celebs, she did actually own up to her behavior, which is redeeming. What’s even more admirable is the reason she claims she threw the chair. Apparently, the director was talking down to a script supervisor, prompting her moment of rage. “I missed, of course. I was like, ‘You can’t speak to people like that.’ I can’t tolerate it,” Anniston said.

Some stars don’t think she is all that good of an actor.
While some cite their dislike of working with her because of her moody behavior, other stars are just not interested in working with her. This is because they just don’t see her as that talented of an actor. One actor went for the jugular in a 2010 interview with Today on BBC Radio. Rupert Everett said that sometimes talent isn’t really what gets you to the top in Hollywood, and used Jennifer as an example. “Okay, something will go wrong, like Jennifer Aniston will have one too many total flops, but she’s still a member of that club, and she will still manage to … like a star forming in the universe, things will swirl around her and it will suddenly solidify into another vital tasteless romcom,”