5. Keira Knightley — Love Actually
In 2003, when Love actually came out, Keira was only 18. To play Juliet, who’s already married, she had to be aged a little. Sure, people do get married at 18 or even 16, but it’s widely assumed her character was at least in her mid-20s.

6. Scarlett Johansson — Lost in Translation
ScarJo’s big Hollywood debut came out in 2003, similar to Kiera Knightly, with the only difference being that Johansson was 17. Being a minor, she wasn’t allowed to drink any booze at the time, but since her character was supposedly 22 years old, they bent the rules a little bit.

7. Angelina Jolie — Alexander
Even the magnificent soon-to-be Maleficent, Angelina Jolie, couldn’t save this movie, and that’s already saying a lot. At the time the movie was shot, Jolie was 29, and in theory, she was supposed to play Queen Olympias, who’s already given birth to Alexander the Great like 20 years ago. For an actress who can pull off a 20-year-old when she’s 40, it wasn’t a real challenge for Angelina to play a 50-year-old queen.

8. Carice Van Houten — Game of Thrones
It’s hard to say how old Carice’s character in Game of Thrones really was aside from the obvious “really freaking old.” When she changed into her “real” self, Melisandre looked at least 90, and the fans freaked out when they saw that creepy old witch. Carice herself was 40 years old when she did those scenes in season 6.