Court Trials
That’s right boys, girls and other non-binary readers, even the law has at once point been inspired by comic books. In fact, this one is a pretty direct influence since the increase in mature comics had raised the question of whether or not they should be censored. Thankfully, common sense prevailed and it was ruled that artistic freedom is more important than protecting young kids from potentially obscene visuals in comics. It’s almost like you have to raise your kids!

Sadly, comics haven’t just inspired good things in life. One of the most famous examples of drugs being inspired by comic books has to be Ecstasy, where you can find themed pills that look like comic book characters. This is done on purpose to make the pills look more kid-friendly, sometimes even barely containing any MDMA at all and just being filled with dangerous stuff.

If you’ve ever seen a few episodes of Pimp My Ride, you know that a lot of people that get their cars customized are going to customize them to be heavily inspired by comic book cars. And let’s be honest: if Xzibit paid for it, who of us wouldn’t want their very own Batmobile? If you ask nicely they’ll even put a PS5 and a flat screen in there, you wouldn’t even need a house.