4. Don’t Be a Jerk
On the first date, you should not make any rude comments about the girl or her appearance. Even if you really dislike smokers or drinkers, as you absolutely should, see if there’s something you like about her that outweighs the bad habit. At the end of the day, you can come to a compromise, but the best way to resolve this situation is to decide then and there whether you will continue to hang out with her or if that’s your last date. To be fair, however, keeping something like that from someone you like will only get you this far. Be straight, be blunt, and be ready for a compromise.

5. Body Odor
It’s not always enough to just compliment her and make awkward jokes because these things have a tendency to end up with hugs, kisses, and Lord knows what else. What we’re trying to say here is that you should work on removing that nasty BO unless you’ve established the male scent as one of her kinks. Otherwise, you may forget about scoring a second date. As we said, this doesn’t apply to all the women, of course, but staying clean is a good rule of thumb in any situation, so don’t be gross.

6. Be Generous
They may not be ready to admit it, but most women love getting pampered by presents and luxurious things. So as your last resort, when nothing else works, there are two types of men who will still get that second date: those that have a ton of money and those with a horse-sized personality. All girls love animals, don’t they?