Teacher-robot Pepper
Softbank Robotics’ Pepper is a friendly assistant with the ability to read people’s emotions, designed for the work of a secretary, salesperson, and even a nanny. Pepper is equipped with an integrated educational development environment (IDE) called Tethys, which was created to teach programming to students. Using the software, students can program it to move, speak, gesture, and display various messages on its screen in real-time. The creators hope this initiative will inspire the next generation of engineers and roboticists.

UUV Aquanaut is ready to submerge
These 1-tonn unmanned underwater vehicles are used to perform different tasks deep beneath the ocean waves. Aquanaut may look slow, but this baby can zoom underwater at 200 km/h, leaving behind even the fastest marine predators. It’s now mainly used to inspect gas infrastructure and subsea oil. Thanks to its grabby claws, Aquanaut can handle valves, pipes, cables and other similar parts. However, its max depth is 300 meters, so no diving into the Mariana Trench.

Robot Ambasador Asimo
Asimo stands for ‘Advanced Step in Innovative Mobility.’ It is usually ranked as the second most promising project because it is one of the most advanced robots ever created. The main goal of the robot is simple — to help people. Asimo travels the world as a brand ambassador of robots, telling people more of how robots can make life easier and help achieve new horizons. It doesn’t move very fast you can ask Asimo to dance, awkwardly run, and even kick a ball if you’re lucky. This little dude can communicate with people in three different languages: Japanese, Chinese, and English, which is more than enough to conquer the world.