6.The gelly-mushrooms look like something Hollywood should jump on. These would look so cool in a live-action version of The Little Mermaid. And the mushroom house is still giving us hobbit vibes, but this hobbit would definitely be a hippy.

7.The hot air balloon with a staircase inside is such a cool idea. We love how real the artist made it look and feel. And the second photo keeps getting more surreal the longer you stare at it. How deep does that cliff go? What’s at the very bottom? Are there still houses there? So many questions.

8.Wouldn’t you love to live in a city that looks like that? It still has modern buildings and roads but it’s also intertwined with a jungle? And is it just me or is the other photo also making you think of murder hornets?

9.A tree that’s a portal into a different world, would you go through? And the floating rock that’s got a little city on it sounds like something out of a fairy tale. Can you guess what the artist was referencing here? We spotted a few sources of inspiration right away.

10.There’s many different themes and styles that Hüseyin Sahin explores in his work, and he’s got a few of these artworks with people that we think you should definitely explore further on his Instagram.