5. Baboons in Cape Town
Monkeys are not cute, nor are they cool to hang out with. They’re mean and vile creatures that want only two things – food and see humans suffer. These Cape Town baboons are masters at doing both at the same time. They’ll snag your purse, bag, backpack, get inside your car, pull your hair, scream at your face for not having anything edible, and some will even throw poop at you. All that inside the city. Fantastic!

6. Raccoons in Toronto
Unlike monkeys, these rascals are cute without a doubt, but they’re still a menace. They’re smart, almost invisible at night time, and they breed like rabbits. If it wasn’t for our trash cans and random food left in the backyards, raccoons would probably keep munching on bugs and roots somewhere in the forest. But you know what they say: once you’ve tried pizza, you won’t go back to the boring old larvae. Yuck!

7. Seagulls in Spain
Loud, annoying, always hungry rats of the sky – of course, we’re talking about seagulls. They always gather around food, and getting (or rather stealing) scraps from people in the city is ten times easier than actually hunting for small fish in the ocean. Naturally, these feathered thieves prefer sticking to the concrete jungle. And just wait until you see the flocks of birds scavenging the garbage mountains full of delicious rotten fruits, week-old leftovers, and everything that comes with it. There’s also a positive side to this: some species like the stork have bounced back from the brink of extinction thanks to our trash piles.

8. Cockatoos in Sydney
Continuing our trend of “rogue” animals, let’s talk about parrots, specifically the Australian cockatoos. You’ve seen them on YouTube doing funny noises, imitating people’s voices, and headbanging to Cannibal Corpse, so it shouldn’t be a surprise that these aviary bandits are incredibly intelligent creatures. So much so that opening trash bins and windows are not a big deal for them. Some researchers claim that their IQ is equal to that of a 4-year-old child, and we all know how chaotic kids can be. You see, the birds aren’t just looking for food, they intentionally rip and tear through anything their beak can reach because they are the a-holes of the animal kingdom. But they’re too cute for us to be mad at their shenanigans.