11) The tiniest night flier discovered is the bumblebee bat. Weighing around two grams, this tiny bat can be easily mistaken for a bumblebee, hence the name.

12) Bat guano makes for an excellent fertilizer thanks to its high concentration of phosphorus and nitrogen.

13) By the way, guano was used to make real gunpowder during the U.S. civil war.

14) The phrase “blind as a bat” is 100% wrong. Not only can they see quite well, but some of them are able to detect UV light.

15) The oldest known bat lived around 50 million years ago.

16) The vast majority of bat species sleep, socialize, mate, reproduce, and die while hanging upside down.

17) Speaking of dead bats. If one passes away while hanging down, it won’t unclench its paws and stay like that until something, or someone shakes it loose.